Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 103: Jan-Feb 1996 | |
Band-shaped "ghosts" seen on radar off the east coast of Africa. |
"At 2230 UTC the observers noted on both the 3-cm and 10-cm radars, as well as visually, a wave or band-like phenomenon shown as a succession of 'bands' approximately 4 n.mile long with a uniform separation of about 0.8 n.mile."The bands appeared as if they were precipitation but on passing through one of them nothing was observed nor were there any other particles [i.e., no wind-blown dust], seeing as the vessel was off the West African coast at the time. The bands themselves caused a rippling effect on the sea surface of roughly 150 m wide, giving an otherwise calm sea a black appearance beneath them on what was a well moonlit night. Although the phenomenon looked like rain bands, the observers could not give an otherwise definite solution for it."
(Herring, R.M.; "Radar Echoes," Marine Observer, 65:170, 1995)