6 results found containing all search terms.

... families -- just like the much simpler crystals of salt, quartz, galena, etc fall into orderly classes. The clear implication is that protein folds and, by extension via further research, the protein molecules themselves, are also natural and reducible just like the salt crystals. If proteins are natural, perhaps even more complex biological forms are also, and so on up the complexity ladder to viruses (which often look like crystals through the microscope), bacteria, and even (gasp!) mammals. This is, of course, reductionism in the extreme. But the successes with protein folding have led two New Zealand biochemists to speculate as follows: If it does turn out that a substantial amount of higher biological form is natural, then the implications will be radical and far- ... . It will mean that physical laws must have had a far greater role in the evolution of biological form than is generally assumed. And it will mean a return to the pre-Darwinian conception that underlying all the diversity of life is a finite set of natural forms that will recur over and over again anywhere in the cosmos where there is carbon-based life. (Denton, Michael, and Marshall, Craig; "Laws of Form Revisited," Nature, 410: 417, 2001.) Comment. In the limit, then, R. Dawkins' "blind watchmaker" becomes a sculptor of incredibly complex cystals. The services of neither God nor that fabled "intelligent designer" would no longer be needed, as in the usual reductionist view of the universe. From Science ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 26 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf136/sf136p07.htm

... in origin; that is, Nature dominates nurture. But what about identical twins who are remarkably different? They can, for instance, differ appreciably in size, intellect, and behavior. In such cases, does nurture dominate nature? No! Identical twins may diverge even in the womb, where one may receive more oxygen and nutrients than the other. One also may be assailed in by viruses, bacteria, or drugs, while the other escapes. Even more drastic is the possi bility that one twin may pick up an extra chromosome soon after the original egg has split. Also, mutations may doom one twin to Down's syndrome or some other genetic affliction, while the other is unscathed. Identical twins may even be of different sex! Of course, such twins are ... different, but they are still monozygotic (from the same egg). Blood tests will show them to be identical. It used to be thought that the small differences that did exist between identical twins separated at birth were surely due to nurture, not nature. But, considering all the differences that can accrue in, it seems that the role of nurture in shaping individuals is much smaller than thought, possibly negligible. (Horgan, John; "Double Trouble," Scientific American, 263:25, December 1990.) Comment. Such conclusions have profound philosophical and political implications that are beyond the pale of the Sourcebook Project. Reference. Discordances between socalled "identical" twins are cataloged in BHA8 and BHB1 in Biological Anomalies: Humans I. To order, see: here . ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 28 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf074/sf074b09.htm

... is the light-producing bacterium that provides the ponyfish with its luminous organ. In this symbiotic arrangement, the fish somehow passes genetic instructions to its retinue of bacteria. (Lewin, Roger; "Fish to Bacterium Gene Transfer," Science, 227:1020, 1985.) Comment. Perhaps symbiotic relationships are fine-tuned by the mutual exchange of information! Second, the role of viruses in transferring genetic material across species barriers is at last getting some serious attention. (Remember how Fred Hoyle was snickered at for promoting this idea in his books?) D. Erwin and J. Valentine, of the University of California, are now pointing out how a whole colony of "hopeful monsters" might be created en masse by an attack of viruses carrying new genetic blueprints. ... at hand is the light-producing bacterium that provides the ponyfish with its luminous organ. In this symbiotic arrangement, the fish somehow passes genetic instructions to its retinue of bacteria. (Lewin, Roger; "Fish to Bacterium Gene Transfer," Science, 227:1020, 1985.) Comment. Perhaps symbiotic relationships are fine-tuned by the mutual exchange of information! Second, the role of viruses in transferring genetic material across species barriers is at last getting some serious attention. (Remember how Fred Hoyle was snickered at for promoting this idea in his books?) D. Erwin and J. Valentine, of the University of California, are now pointing out how a whole colony of "hopeful monsters" might be created en masse by an attack of viruses carrying new genetic ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 47 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf039/sf039p09.htm
... led a symbiotic life ever since. The mitochondria and chloroplasts perform certain important functions in the cell but were thought, until now, to retain considerable genetic independence. (Lewin, Roger; "No Genome Barriers to Promiscuous DNA," Science, 224:970, 1984.) Comment. The promiscuity of DNA raises speculation that other DNA-bearing entities that invade the body, especially the viruses, may transfer their DNA to the host, and conceivably vice versa. With DNA apparently much more promiscuous than believed earlier, the role of disease in the development of life takes on a new importance. In other words, all species can potentially exchange genetic information with all others. In fact, in a broad sense, sperm are infectious agents, and pregnancy a disease! DNA will ... at nothing to spread itself around. From Science Frontiers #34, JUL-AUG 1984 . 1984-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 26 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf034/sf034p10.htm
... experimental findings are stimulating a revival of forbidden Lamarckism! Taylor reviews several experiments in which acquired immunity seems to be passed along from generation to generation. This, of course, directly contradicts the Dogma of Evolution and Weissmann's closely related doctrine of the inviolatability of the germ plasm. But Taylor goes on to suggest several ways to circumvent Weissmann's doctrine, the most interesting of which employs viruses to carry acquired genetic information from generation to generation. (Taylor, R.B .; "Lamarckism Revival in Immunology," Nature, 286:837, 1980.) Comment. The possible role of viruses and other "disease carriers" in the unfolding (rather than "evolution") of life is only now being widely recognized. Could it be that the price of evolution ... /or the responsiveness of life to environmental pressures is a certain level of infection? From Science Frontiers #13, Winter 1981 . 1981-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 37 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf013/sf013p07.htm

... Humans BHX4 Human Psychic Healing of Other Animals BHX5 Human-Animal Cooperation and Symbiosis BHX6 The Human-Endosymbiont Interface Humans BHX8 Other Unusual Animal Attacks on Humans BHX9 The Human-Wasp Interface BHX10 Yellow-Fever Mosquitoes Favor Humans with Blood Type O BHX11 The Anomalous Distribution of Human Lice BHX12 A Bizarre Human-Fish Phenomenon BHX13 The Inverse Relationship between Human Parasites and Allergies BHX14 Manipulation of Human Behavior by Viruses BHX15 "Ultimate" Parasites of Humans BHX16 The Human-Gaia Interface BHX17 Human Degeneracy and the Man-Machine Interface Dolphin Dangers Plants That Induce Sleep The Ubiquitous Human-Bacterium Interface Ancient Viral Invaders BI INVERTEBRATES Titles not yet posted BM MAMMALS BMA EXTERNAL APPEARANCE AND MORPHOLOGY BMA1 Mammalian Morphological Parallelisms: Convergence and Mimicry BMA2 Limits on the Variability of Domestic Animals BMA3 Unusually Divergent Mammal Populations BMA4 Hybrids and ... of the "Moon Illusion" "Simultanagnosia": The Inability to Deal with Two Objects Simultaneously Handedness and the Size of the Corpus Callosum Gender Differences in Brain Information Processing Mirror-Image Organs Cooked Tubers and Brain Evolution! Multiplication and Physical Motion of Dendrites in Brain Information Processing in the Eye Itself Sign Language Is Processed in the Auditory Cortex Motion Processed by Special Brain Cells The "Seeing" Ear Role of Olfactory Receptors in Physical Development Information Transfer in the Cerebrospinal Fluid Utility of the Appendix Nostril Cycling [BHF3] BHT UNUSUAL SENSES AND FACULTIES BHT1 Telescopic Vision BHT2 Moonblindness BHT3 Blindsight BHT4 A TV-Snow Visual Phenomenon BHT5 Color-Vision Deficiency of Ancient Peoples BHT6 Color Sensitivity Correlated with Lunar Phase BHT7 Anomalies in the Evolution of Color Vision BHT8 Dermo-Optical Perception [PHD] BHT9 Visual Phenomena ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 11 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /cat-biol.htm