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Science Frontiers is the bimonthly newsletter providing digests of reports that describe scientific anomalies; that is, those observations and facts that challenge prevailing scientific paradigms. Over 2000 Science Frontiers digests have been published since 1976.

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Over 14,000 volumes of science journals, including all issues of Nature and Science have been examined for reports on anomalies. In this context, the newsletter Science Frontiers is the appetizer and the Catalog of Anomalies is the main course.


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Search results for: trilithons

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... informs us that in our rambles through the archeological literature we somehow missed the "mother of all megaliths." The sketch portrays the Tombs of the Genii, as they appeared circa 1876. These towering standing stones were -- and perhaps still are -- located on the Kora River in what was Soviet Turkestan, Siberia. When you learn of their sizes, you'll realize that these lithic monsters must still be there, because modern machinery would be taxed to nudge them. The largest of these standing stones rises 75 feet above ground level and probably penetrates 12 feet below. Its weight is in the neighborhood of 3,800 tons! This is more than 10 times the weight of Er Grah, the largest standing stone in Brittany and more than twice the size of the massive Trilithon still languishing in its quarry at Baalbek, Lebanon. This latter stone is routinely claimed to be the largest dressed monolith in the world. It isn't ! While the Siberian monolith is probably more recent than the Baalbek stone and not as finely finished, it is an unparalleled example of stone quarrying, transportation, and erection. The stones of the Great Pyramid and those Easter Island statues are puny in comparison. Who erected these giant megaliths and how did they wrestle them into place? (Howard, John Eliot; "The Early Dawn of Civilization...," Victoria Institute, Journal of the Transactions, 9:239, 1876. Cr. E. von Fange) The Tombs of the Genii, Siberia. Note the tiny horse! Did these monstrous monoliths really ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf131/sf131p02.htm
... structures, Stonehenge? The answer is yes, according to biology professor Gerard Leduc, who says he has found evidence of sundials in four different locations in the Laurentians and Eastern Townships." .. .. . "The stone complexes, comprising a centre stone and others radiating toward the east and west, may have been used as calendars whereby farmers could, for example, have known when to plant and harvest crops." Leduc also claims to have discovered: Unexplained stone walls two to three feet high that begin and end with no apparent purpose, and which are not associated with the fields of farmers. Grass circles showing up as yellowish rings in green grassy fields, caused by a different type of vegetation. These grass circles are perfect in shape and associated with stone structures. Trilithons, located at the sundial sites, consisting of three closely grouped rocks. (Morrissy, John; "Stonehenge in Quebec," Stonehenge Viewpoint, no. 79, p. 3, Winter 1988.) From Science Frontiers #57, MAY-JUN 1988 . 1988-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf057/sf057a03.htm
... Smelting in Subsaharan Africa MSI4 Innovative Iron-Smelting Technology in Africa MSK ANCIENT COMPLEXES Nan Madol Zimbabwe Mystery Hill Regional Siting MSM SHELL MOUNDS, CAIRNS, EARTHEN MOUNDS MSM1 Giant Shell Mounds MSM2 The Shell Keys of Florida MSM3 Curious Cairns and Rock Piles MSM4 Cairn Lines MSM5 Notable Earthen Mounds: A Survey MSM6 Lines and Arrays of Earthen Mounds MSM7 Enigmatic Mound Complexes MSO CARVED ROCKS, SPHERES, COLUMNS MSO1 Boulders with Triangular Holes MSO2 Large, Precisely-Crafted Stone Spheres MSO3 Carved Columns in an Ocean Trench MSO4 Curious Arrays and Groupings of Stone or Wooden Columns MSO5 The Latte Stones of the Marianas MSO6 The Ancient Iron Pillar at Delhi MSO7 The Cement-Like Cylinders of New Caledonia MSO8 Unusual Gnomons MSO9 Stone Chairs MSO10 Curious Distribution of Large Stone Jars MSO11 Enigmatic Configured Rocks MSO12 The Haamonga Stones; A Trilithon on Tonga MSO13 Tiahuanaco's Gateway of the Sun: Incredible Stonework MSP PYRAMIDS, ESPECIALLY THE GREAT PYRAMID MSP1 Remarkable Stone and Brick Pyramids: A Global Survey MSP2 Comalcalco's Brick Pyramid and Associate Structures MSP3 Palenque's Remarkable Temple of the Inscriptions MSP4 Teotihuacan's Pyramid of the Sun MSP5 The Great Pyramid: Statistics and General Anomalistics MSP6 Great Pyramid: Material Processing and Whole-Structure Enigmas MSP7 Enigmatic Structures within the Great Pyramid MSP8 The Great Pyramid as in Information Repositary MSR ANCIENT ROADS AND BRIDGES MSR1 Notable Ancient Roads: A Survey MSR2 The Chaco Canyon "Roads" MSR3 The Bimini "Road" MSR4 The Maltese "Cart Ruts" MSR5 Precocious Suspension Bridges MSS CITIES AND COMPLEXES MSS1 Unusual and Problematic Cities and Complexes: A survey MSS2 The Gungywamp Lithic Complex MSS3 Mystery Hill ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /cat-arch.htm

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