Science Frontiers
The Unusual & Unexplained

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Science Frontiers is the bimonthly newsletter providing digests of reports that describe scientific anomalies; that is, those observations and facts that challenge prevailing scientific paradigms. Over 2000 Science Frontiers digests have been published since 1976.

These 2,000+ digests represent only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The Sourcebook Project, which publishes Science Frontiers, also publishes the Catalog of Anomalies, which delves far more deeply into anomalistics and now extends to sixteen volumes, and covers dozens of disciplines.

Over 14,000 volumes of science journals, including all issues of Nature and Science have been examined for reports on anomalies. In this context, the newsletter Science Frontiers is the appetizer and the Catalog of Anomalies is the main course.


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... space. This pervasive cosmic imbalance is the driving force in producing an environment conducive to the formation of structure and complexity." This sweeping statement seems to apply to the entire universe. The Second Law of Thermodynamics, however, insists that, on the average, for the entire universe, the above paragraph cannot be true. The article introduced by this unqualified assertion about the evolution of the universe is really about self-organizing chemical reactions. We classify it under biology because the authors imply that some biological phenomena are self-organizing. The famous Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction is used as the prime example of chemical self-organization. First, one takes a shallow dish filled with a solution of bromate ions in a highly acidic medium. Here's what happens: "A dish, thinly spread with a lightly colored liquid, sits quietly for a moment after its preparation. The liquid is then suddenly swept by a spontaneous burst of colored centers of chemical activity. Each newly formed region creates expanding patterns of concentric, circular rings. These collide with neighboring waves but never penetrate. In some rare cases rotating one-, two-, or three-armed spirals may emerge. Each pattern grows, impinging on its neighboring patterns, winning on some fronts and losing on others, organizing the entire surface into a unique pattern. Finally, the patterns decay and the system dies, as secondary reactions drain the flow of the primary reaction." From this starting point, the implication is made that all manner of biological "reactions" are analogous and therefore reducible to nought but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf053/sf053b07.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 138: NOV-DEC 2001 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects The 8 Greatest Mysteries of Cosmology Such is the title of a lengthy article in the June 2001 issue of Astronomy. It is always dangerous to employ superlatives; "greatest" is particularly hazardous. Anyway, it is useful to review what mainstream astronomers consider to be their major unsolved problems. Naturally, we shall add a few that we think should have been on the list. How multidimensional is the universe? For example, gravitons, which are believed to exist in a fifth dimension, are supposed to transmit gravitational force. This dimension is barely separated from our well-known four. The thin barrier separating us from the graviton universe seems to leak a bit therebyallowing gravity, the weakest of all our universe's forces, to exist. Sounds pretty far-out, but not as bizarre as string theory which requires many more dimensions! How did the universe begin? The cosmic microwave background is much too smooth. If it was smoothed out by a sudden expansion of the universe (so-called "inflation"), what caused the inflation? Why does matter fill the universe? in other words, where is all the antimatter that we think must have been created in equal amounts? (This equality is a human philosophical requirement. The universe can do anything it wants!) How did galaxies form? What is cold dark matter? This "substance" seems to be filaments threading the surfaces of cosmic ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf138/sf138p02.htm
... Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Life Forms In Meteorites?Few could have escaped the recent gushy press coverage of NASA's announcement that an Antarctic meteorite, possibly of Martian origin, seems to have carried vestiges of life forms from that planet to ours. No need to recapitulate all that hype. What we do add is the observation that this same sort of excitement has swept through the scientific community at least twice before. Back in 1961, B. Nagy et al discovered tiny particles resembling fossil algae in carbonaceous chondrites. They called these particles "organized elements." Ultimately, these curious particles were explained as natural crystals and terrestrial contaminants. (Ref 1.) Much earlier, in 1881, Hahn, an eminent German geologist, asserted that he had examined thin sections cut from chondrites and found fossils of sponges, corals, and crinoids. In fact, the extraterrestrial coral that Hahn found even received the scientific name Hahnia meteoritica ! In the end, though, Hahn's meteoric life forms met the same fate as the "organized elements" of Nagy et al. (Ref. 2) Ref. 1. Urey, Harold C.; "Biological Materials in Meteorites: A Review," Science, 151:157, 1966. Ref. 2. Bingham, Francis; "The Discovery of Organic Remains in Meteoritic Stones," Popular Science Monthly , 20:83, 1881. Both references can be found in our Handbook Mysterious Universe. For information on this book, visit here . Some of the "Organized elements" found ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf108/sf108p02.htm
... saw the layer of tiny brass spheres heap up into hexagonal honeycombs, circular piles, and even stranger shapes. (Umbanhower, Paul B., et al; "Localized Excitations in a Vertically Vibrated Granular Layer," Nature, 382: 793, 1996) Comment. Nothing anomalous here, you say? Quite right, but perhaps there is in this experiment an explanation of a long-recognized geological anomaly: The origin of the famed Mima Mounds found scattered by the thousands in various regions of the planet, such as Mima Prairie near Puget Sound, in Washington State. Actually, the demonstration of Umbanhower et al was preceded by a similar experiment back in 1990. In that year, A.W . Berg reported in Geology how he had covered a piece of plywood with a thin layer of fine sand (loess) and subjected the plywood sheet to impacts simulating earthquakes. Lo and behold, the sand rose up in an array of Mima Mound-like heaps. (See: SF#69 and p. 201 in the book Science Frontiers. This book is described here . Umbanhower, a physicist, probably doesn't read Geology , but the results of his team's experiments certainly confirm Berg's simpler experiments and support the idea that quakes molded the Mima Mounds. Patterns of tiny brass spheres created by different forcing frequencies. Were Mima Mounds piled up by quakes. From Science Frontiers #108, NOV-DEC 1996 . 1996-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf108/sf108p08.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 118: Jul-Aug 1998 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects The Mysterious Terras Pretas Most of the lush jungles of tropical South America grow on a very thin layer of soil that is continuously regenerated by decaying vegetation. Deforest the jungle and the agricultural potential is about that of a your nearest Interstate highway. But the so-called "terras pretas" are curious exceptions. Spotted along Brazil's Aripuana River are small areas of deep, black earth that are from 7 to 17 feet deep. These are the "terras pretas" or "black earths." Scientists believe that these fabulously productive "islands" in the sea of otherwise poor soil were developed by native peoples about 10,000 years ago. No one knows how these ancient farmers made the terras pretas. The slash-and-burn farming of the present inhabitants is primitive in comparison. (Anonymous; "Fertile Soil of Ancient Tribes Poses Puzzle," Columbus Dispatch , January 11, 1998. (Cr. J. Fry via COUD-I ) From Science Frontiers #118, JUL-AUG 1998 . 1998-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf118/sf118p03.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 112: Jul-Aug 1997 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Computer Con-Fusion Not content with joking about "nominative determinism" (SF#108), the "Feedback" page of New Scientist has been having fun with "rogue hyphens." These errant hyphens occasionally appear in the very best of our newspapers and magazines. Word processors insert them in the wrong places when trying to justify lines of text. Some are hilarious, as are these gleaned from Canadian newspapers by B. Taylor: mans-laughter deter-gents calfs-kin thin-king cart-ridges end-anger tramp-led casual-ties prick-led (Anonymous; "Feedback," New Scientist, p. 80, February 18, 1997.) Comment. Certainly there can be nothing anomalous about rogue hyphens. Wrong! After G. Kasparov was defeated recently by IBM's Big Blue computer, all the commentators told us not to worry about being replaced because computers were just machines. For example, they had no sense of humor. From the cleverly inserted hyphens above, we now know this is not true! From Science Frontiers #112, JUL-AUG 1997 . 1997-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf112/sf112p16.htm
... , displaying gross disturbances in communication, and/or motor behavior. Rimland and his colleagues have studied 5,400 autistic children and found 10% of them to have extraordinary abilities. We hear most often about those prodigies who can multiply large numbers in their heads instantaneously or give us calendar information far in the past or future without the blink of an eye. But autistic savants are also prodigal in the fields of art, music, and mechanics. No one knows how they per-form their feats, although psychologists speculate that their minds are intensely focussed on their special skills to the exclusion of most everything else. A few "normal" people, such as Gauss and Ampere, have matched the capabilities of the autistic savants, but the rest of us have our minds spread too thinly. We are in the majority, so the autistic savants usually end up in institutions while we plod along outside. (Rimland, Bernard; "Inside the Mind of the Autistic Savant," Psychology Today, August 1978.) Comment. We may speculate that the capabilities of the autistic savants are inherent in all of us, awaiting only some key. From Science Frontiers #6 , February 1979 . 1979-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf006/sf006p11.htm
... will create remarkable displays using the same ice crystals. The first of the two examples below is notable for its extreme height; the second provides the accepted explanation. August 24, 1998. South China Sea. Aboard the m.v . Oriental Bay , Hong Kong to Singapore. "Four shafts of narrow vertical light were observed reflected in the sky. Upon consulting the chart it was revealed that they were 'reflections' of the four flares of the Kakap Natuna oil terminal, which at this point was 75 n mile away. "As indicated in the sketch, the shafts of light were visible above a lower layer of stratocumulus cloud, and, when measured by sextant, their upper tips were calculated to be nearly 13 km high. The shafts appeared to be reflected in a thin layer of cirrostratus and, as the vessel approached to 60 n mile from the terminal, the glow from the flares was also visible on the horizon." (Peterson, J.L .; "Optical Phenomenon," Marine Observer, 69:110, 1999.) Tall light pillars rise over the South China Sea February 4, 1999. Toyama Bay, Japan. The caption quoted below is located beneath an impressive color photograph of five tall pillars of light reaching up into the night sky. "Rare beams of light rise to the upper atmosphere over Toyama Bay on Thursday. The lights appeared about 2,000 meters above fishing boats with fires aboard to attract squid, for about 20 minutes from 8 p.m . The night illuminations are a rare natural phenomenon in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf126/sf126p07.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 75: May-Jun 1991 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Looking For The Smoking Gun We already know the victims (the dinosaurs and other fauna and flora), and there is considerable evidence that the bullet was a cosmic projectile of some sort. The absence of a smoking gun (a sufficiently large terrestrial crater with an age of 65 million years) has allowed volcanists to deny the cosmic catastrophists a complete victory. However, the recent identification of tektite-like glasses at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) on Haiti is leading geological detectives closer and closer to the missing crater. Elsewhere in the world, the KTB is characterized by an iridium anomaly and a thin layer of "impact clay" consisting of tiny bits of shocked minerals. At Beloc, on Haiti, though, geologists find a 55-centimeter-thick layer of glassy debris. Approximately 25% of this stra tum consists of 1-6 -millimeter particles of tektite-like glass. Most of the glass particles are spherical, but a few have the splash-forms and dumbbell shapes of bona fide tektites. The thickness of the Haitian deposit and the large sizes of the particles suggest that the smoking gun must be nearby. Ironically, the Haiti stratum was originally classified as of volcanic origin; and we must add that we are presenting here only the conclusions of the asteroid school. But where oh where is this crater? The Manson crater in Iowa (now buried) is of the right age ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf075/sf075g09.htm
... a dead-end street. No people or other cars were in sight. "Suddenly there was a horrific bang and the car rocked. A missile from the sky lay in plain view, square in the center of my car's hood. .. .. . "I cautiously got out to examine the fallen object. Tiny pieces had broken off, but it was largely intact and measured four to five inches across. I smelled it -- yes, it still carried a faint scent -- of pizza! It was a slice of pizza, solid as a rock and stone cold. This was no ordinary meteorite. I thought of God feeding the Israelites manna from heaven, but God knows I prefer pepperoni. This was plain, tomato and cheese, on a thin crust." (Becker, Peter W.; "Manna or Meteorite?" Sky and Telescope, 86:7 , August 1993.) Comment. After you stop laughing, recall that many accounts of fish falling from the sky mention that they are frozen. Hummm. Perhaps a whirlwind whipped through a pizzeria! Reference. Over the centuries, many strange objects have been reported to fall from the sky. See GWF in our catalog: Tornados, Dark Days. Description here . From Science Frontiers #90, NOV-DEC 1993 . 1993-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf090/sf090g10.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 33: May-Jun 1984 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Prisoners Of The Boundary Layer Wings were an inspired evolutionary development. They permit the geographical dispersal of many species, especially insects. But nature, ever-innovative, has other aeronautical techniques up her sleeve. Consider the tiniest insects that do not possess wings. It is difficult for large animals like ourselves to realize that these tiny creatures are actually prisoners of the so-called "boundary layer" of air hugging all surfaces. The thin boundary layer is stagnant very close to the surface. Any tiny in-sect wishing to take advantage of wind-dispersal to propagate the species farther afield must somehow breach this layer. Some of the scale insects have in their instar phases developed the trick of rearing up on their hind legs, penetrating the boundary layer, and presenting a high-drag surface to the wind. (Many climb along plant surfaces inside the boundary layer to exposed areas before exhibiting this behavior.) The wind plucks them off the plant and carries them off to new territories. The authors think this may be convergent evolutionary strategy for many minute insects. (Washburn, Jan O., and Washburn, Libe; "Active Aerial Dispersal of Minute Wingless Arthropods.....," Science, 223:1088, 1984.) Comment. The fact that these insects are shaped like airfoils (i .e ., aircraft wings) is also interesting. Scale insects (first instar phase). ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf033/sf033p11.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 34: Jul-Aug 1984 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Does string hold the universe together?Cosmological speculation is getting more and more bizarre. Astronomers are now postulating a kind of cosmic 'string' that is very, very thin (10-30cm), enormously massive (1022 grams per centimeter), and very taut (1042 dynes tension). This string exists only in closed loops of infinite strands. Such string in loop form could have seeded galaxies and even black holes of solar mass. But these are not the major reasons why astronomers like the string hypothesis. It turns out that this bizarre string can tie the universe together gravitationally; that is, provide the long-sought 'missing mass.' The so-called 'missing-mass problem' is two-fold: Astronomers cannot see, with eye and instrument, enough mass to keep the universe from expanding indefinitely. If the kinetic energy of cosmic expansion is to be balanced by gravitational potential energy (an apparent philosophical imperative), we have so far identified only 15% of the required mass. (2 ) On a smaller scale, galaxies in large galactic clusters are moving too fast. They should have flown apart long ago, but some unseen 'stuff' holds them together. Is it cosmic string? (Waldrop, M. Mitchell; "New Light on Dark Matter? Science, 224:971, 1984.) Comment. Since cosmic string weighs about 2 x 1015 tons per ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf034/sf034p06.htm
... December 22, 1870. J.L . Codona, in a long article in Sky and Telescope, described eclipse shadow bands in these words: "There mysterious gray ripples are sometimes seen flitting over the ground within a minute or two of to tality. The bands are initially faint and jumbled; but as totality approaches, they become more organized, their spacing decreases to a few centimeters, and their visibility improves. After totality ends the bands can reappear and become progressively fainter and more disorganized until they disappear. "Shadow bands seem to move perpendicularly to their length, but this is only an illusion. It stems from a lack of features that allow the eye to track motion along the length of the bands." Codona explains the shadow bands as basically a twinkling effect involving the thin solar crescent just before and after totality. The twinkling is created by turbulence only tens or hundreds of feet above the ground. The eclipse shadow bands, like so many other "well-explained" phenomena, display idiosyncracies that do not dovetail well with theory. Codona mentions two of these: (1 ) Bands of different colors, travelling at different speeds, are sometimes seen superimposed on each other; and (2 ) Bands of giant size have been observed. (Codona, Johana L.; "The Enigma of Shadow Bands," Sky and Telescope, 81: 482, 1991.) Comment. Still other shadow-band anomalies are cataloged in GES1, in Rare Halos, Mirages. This catalog is described here . From Science Frontiers #77, SEP-OCT ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf077/sf077a04.htm
... "grander" than that which meets the eye when standing on its rim. The immensity of the total excavation job can be appreciated by a trip to Red Butte near the southern rim. This conical hill rises 300 meters and is capped by the remnants of a lava flow, which has a radioisotope date of 9 million years. Thus, in the last 9 million years not only has the entire gorge of the Grand Canyon been cut but also a much greater volume of rock 300 meters thick adjacent to the present north and south rims. The immensity of the volume of sediment removed is not the real issue. The first problem emerges downstream from Red Butte at Pierce Ferry. There we find 200 meters of Hualapai limestone, which has been dated at 8.7 million years from a thin layer of volcanic ash within the limestone. When this limestone was laid down, the geology is emphatic that no large, sediment-carrying river was in the vicinity. Most geologists agree that the lower end of the Grand Canyon was not active around this time. No one knows where the Col-orado River was flowing at this period. Some say southwest from Peach Springs; others point to a northwest route into Utah. All the likely alternate routes face serious geological obstacles such as lava barriers. What does seem certain is that the stock explanation of the formation of the Grand Canyon is incorrect. It was not steadily ground out, cutting everdeeper as the whole region was slowly elevated. Actually, geologists believe that the region stopped rising over 50 million years ago. Where, then ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf037/sf037p12.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 60: Nov-Dec 1988 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects How Genius Gets Nipped In The Bud At once amusing and tragic, the article bearing the above title treats the reader to the musings of a university researcher who has a brilliant new idea -- or so it seems to him. At first he is ready to rush to the literature and check out the idea's originality and feasibility. But wait, this groundwork will take considerable time, and the idea may turn out to be old hat. Is it all worth the risk? Will the university support research on this new untried idea? This would be unlikely since funds are thin, the idea is not part of the overall research plan, and worse yet, an enemy sits on the research fund committee. Getting external funds is impossible unless one can show that your university has enough confidence in the idea to support it financially. A way out is to publish the idea at a conference in hopes of raising interest and money. Hold it, the referees will ask why a few obvious points have not been checked out in the lab. "Suddenly you realize that there is a far more serious problem. The current scientific system is based on the assumption that there is no such thing as a radically new idea. Each new paper is required to climb on the back of a plethora of earlier published papers, and does little more than add another layer of gloss to the cited references. Genuinely new ideas no ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf060/sf060p18.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 93: May-Jun 1994 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Just Plane Weird T. Surendonk has written to New Scientist how he and a friend would stop on Sepulveda Boulevard, at the edge of the Los Angeles airport, to watch the big jets come in directly overhead for a landing. "While the huge planes were impressive enough, our attention was captured by an event that sometimes occurred between twenty and thirty seconds after a plane had flown over: a thin tube of misty air would zap past us at apparently high speed accompanied by a rather loud flapping sound. "Sometimes the "mist" would follow a straight path, but often it would follow a really contorted path that made the "mist" look like a snake engaged in a rather violent path -- rather captivating to watch. "We suspected that the effect was some sort of remnant of the vapour trails that sometimes came off the tips of the wings and tried to confirm this by direct observation, but we could never keep track of such a trail for more than 5 seconds. Also, we were never totally convinced that the two effects were correlated. Anyway, wouldn't such a trail dissipate within a few seconds?" (Surendonk, Timothy; "Just Plane Weird," New Scientist, p. 58, March 5, 1994.) Comment. If these "mists" are merely trailing vortices, the long time delay between passage of the plane and the tube of mist is puzzling ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf093/sf093g14.htm
... Scientific Exploration. We now quote from that part of the abstract dealing with field experiments in several countries. "This report presents new insights into an unconventional option of locating water reserves which relies on water dowsing. The effectiveness of the method is still highly disputed. Now, however, extensive field studies -- in line with provable and reliable historic account -- have shown that a few carefully selected dowsers are certainly able to detect faults, fissures and fractures with relative alacrity and surprising accuracy in areas with, say, crystalline or limestone bedrock. A series of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusam menarbeit (GTZ) projects involving this technique were carried out in dry zones with unexpectedly high rates of success. In particular, it was possible to locate a large number of relatively small underground aquifers in thinly populated areas and to drill wells at the sites where water is needed; the yields were low but sufficient for hand-pump operation throughout the year. Finding or locating a sufficient number of relatively small fracture zones using conventional techniques would have required a far greater work input." A second part of the study involved controlled experiments in which dowsers tried to detect concealed targets such as pipes. (Betz, HansDieter; "Unconventional Water Detection: Field Test of the Dowsing Technique in Dry Zones," Journal of Scientific Exploration, 9:1 and 9;159, 1995. Journal address: ERL 306, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305) As one might expect (and should want), dowsing skeptics reacted swiftly to the German work. As for the field studies mentioned ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf102/sf102p17.htm
... The stones that make up the wall are 4-ton blocks of ignimbrite, a soft volcanic rock that could have been easily dressed with stone tools. The wall is topped by a red beech tree 2.9 meters in circumference and over a meter of accumulated humus. According to Brailsford, who was interviewed by the Listener : "There was no doubt that the stones had been cut. The four visible stones in the front wall were a uniform 1.6 metres tall, and 1 metre wide. In one place he could insert his arm into a root-ridden cavity and feel the back face -- and the front face of the next tier. The faces were uncannily smooth, with no saw or adze marks. The interstices where the blocks join were knife-blade thin. "Further up the hill, the tops of other stones protruded, suggesting a more extensive structure was buried in the hill." Supporting the contention that a pre-Maori people lived in New Zealand are the bones of the kiore, a type of rat alien to New Zealand, which was likely introduced by the first settlers. Some kiore bones have been dated as 2,000 years old -- centuries before the first Maoris arrived. Needless to say, New Zealand archeologists and anthropologists are not anxious to drastically revise their fundamental paradigm assigning the discovery and colonization of New Zealand to the Maoris. But Brailsford and Childress are even more iconoclastic: They suggest links to a pre-Polynesian culture; a culture that left similar megalithic structures elsewhere in the Pacific and along the west ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf107/sf107p00.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 35: Sep-Oct 1984 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Confusing Seismic Data From The Deep Continental Crust Seismic exploration of the deep continental crust seems to indicate that huge sheets of crystalline rock have been pushed over sedimentary strata. The crystalline sheets, perhaps kilometers in thickness, were forcibly shoved hundreds of kilometers over sedimentary deposits during continental collisions -- so the theory goes. One such crystalline sheet is under the Southern Appalachians. Seismic data say it is about 10 kilometers thick and was pushed westward some 225 kilometers. If it seems intuitively impossible for such a thin sheet to remain intact during 225kilometers of shoving over other rocks, consider a similar sheet in the Basin and Range province of Utah. This sheet was pulled down an inclined fault without coming apart! These sliding sheets with remarkable structural integrities are required to explain what geophysicists see in the seismic reflections; namely, transparent zones of crystalline rock sitting on top of rocks that return strong reflections typical of layered sedimentary strata. However, one such situation in Arizona was explored with a drill bit. When the upper crystalline layer was penetrated, the drill found only more crystalline rocks, nothing sedimentary. In fact, the crystalline rock was not layered and was homogeneous. Thus, the source of the misleading seismic reflections is unknown. (Kerr, Richard A.; "Continental Drilling Heading Deeper," Science, 224:1418, 1984. Also: Anonymous; "Probing the Deep Con-tinental Crust," Science, 225: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf035/sf035p17.htm
... ALL THE MOTION OF LUNAR SATELLITES ALL1 Perturbation of Artificial Lunar Satellites ALO ANOMALOUS TELESCOPIC AND VISUAL OBSERVATIONS ALO1 Doubling of Lunar Detail ALO2 Variable Spots, Streaks, and Other (Apparently) Optical Phenomena ALO3 Banded Craters ALO4 Lunar "Canals" and Lineaments ALO5 The Lunar Zodiacal Light ALO6 Distortions of the Lunar Disk ALO7 Bright Diverging Ray above the Moon ALO8 Dark Triangular Patches under the Moon ALO9 Ring of Light around the New Moon ALO10 Shortened Lunar Crescents ALO11 The Lunar Post-Sunset Horizon Glow ALW LUNAR "WEATHER" ALW1 Clouds, Mists, and Obscurations ALW2 Anomalous Ion Clouds Detected on the Lunar Surface ALX LUNAR ECLIPSE AND OCCULTATION PHENOMENA ALX1 Very Dark Lunar Eclipses ALX2 Distortions of the Earth's Shadow ALX3 Eclipse Fingers of Light ALX4 Bands and Patches on the Eclipsed Moon ALX5 Very Bright Lunar Eclipses ALX6 Thin Arcs of Light on Rim of Eclipsed Moon ALX7 Dusky Bands across Planets at Contact Phase of Occultation ALX8 The Hanging or Projection of Stars and Planets on the Moon's Limb ALX9 Post-Eclipse Changes of Surface Features ALX10 Reception of Radio Signals from Occulted Spacecraft ALX11 Bright Ring around Moon during Partial Solar Eclipse ALX12 Extended Glows of Occulted Planets ALZ THE ENIGMA OF LUNAR MAGNETISM ALZ1 Anomalous Features of Lunar Magnetism ALZ2 Anomalous Demagnetization Behavior of Lunar Samples ALZ3 Correlations of Magnetic Anomalies with Surface Features ALZ4 Correlated Directions of Magnetization of Lunar Magnetic Anomalies AM MARS AME MARTIAN GEOLOGICAL ANOMALIES AME1 The Martian Channels AME2 Systems of Lineaments on Mars AME3 Pyramidal Structures AME4 Ice Layering in the North Polar Regions AME5 The "Searchlight" Areas AME6 Evidence for Surface and Subsurface Ice AME7 Anomalous Hillocks and Ridges AME8 Martian Surface Asymmetry ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 11  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /cat-astr.htm
... GWS WEATHER AND ASTRONOMY GWS1 Correlation of Lunar Phase and Terrestrial Weather GWS2 Correlation of Lunar Phase and Thunderstorms GWS3 Thunderstorms Correlated with Solar Activity GWS4 Effects of Meteors on Weather GWS5 Correlations between Solar Activity and Weather GWS6 Influence of Lunar Phase on Atmospheric Ozone GWS7 The Lunar Temperature Effect GWS8 Purported Effect of the Planets on the Weather GWS9 Comets and the Weather Eclipse Wind Stratospheric Winds Correlated with Solar Activity Weather Correlated with the 18.6 -Year Cycle GWT THE IDIOSYNCRACIES OF TORNADOS AND WATERSPOUTS GWT1 The Tornado as an Electrical Machine GWT2 Burning and Hydration during Tornados GWT3 Tornados and Waterspouts with Horizontal Funnels GWT4 Multiwalled Waterspouts GWT5 Anomalous Historical Incidence of Tornados GWT6 Reversal of Rotation in Waterspouts GWT7 Pranks of the Tornado GWT8 Tornado Incidence Correlated with Magnetic Variation GWT9 Landspouts or Dustspouts GWT10 Waterspouts between Clouds GWT11 Forked Waterspouts GWT12 Abnormally Thin Waterspouts GWT13 Waterspout Funnel-Knots GWT14 Bull's -Eye Squalls Destructive Downbursts (Microbursts) Tornados Correlated with Automobile Traffic GWW WHIRLWINDS AND DUST DEVILS GWW1 Explosive Onset of Whirlwinds GWW2 Pranks of Whirlwinds and Dust Devils GWW3 Steam Devils GWW4 Electrical Properties of Whirl winds and Dust Devils GWW5 Energetic Miniature Vortices Aircraft Trailing Vortices Whirlwind Families Other Sites of Interest SIS . Catastrophism, archaeoastronomy, ancient history, mythology and astronomy. Lobster . The journal of intelligence and political conspiracy (CIA, FBI, JFK, MI5, NSA, etc) . Free resource for people thinking about working at home. ABC dating and personals . For people looking for relationships. Place your ad free. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 5  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /cat-geop.htm
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