6 results found.
... -- or in any other globular clusters checked so far. Are globular clusters in general different from the rest of the Milky Way? Possibly, see below. (Anonymous; "No Globular Planets?" Astronomy, 28:34, October 2000. Anonymous; "Planets Come Up Missing in a Globular Cluster," Sky & Telescope, 104:23, October 2000.) Answer. Globular clusters are peculiar in several additional ways. For example, the globular clusters in the Milky Way have a spherical distribution rather than being compressed into a flat spiral with the rest of our galaxy's stars. There is even evidence that the clusters may not participate in the Milky Way's ponderous rotation. See AOB4 in Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos for still more globular-cluster idiosyncracies. A spherical cloud of globular clusters coexists in space with the disc-shaped Milky Way. Each globular cluster is a dense spherical aggregation of tens of thousands of stars. From Science Frontiers #134, MAR-APR 2001 . 2001 William R. Corliss Other Sites of Interest SIS . Catastrophism, archaeoastronomy, ancient history, mythology and astronomy. Lobster . The journal of intelligence and political conspiracy (CIA, FBI, JFK, MI5, NSA, etc) Homeworking.com . Free resource for people thinking about working at home. ABC dating and personals . For people looking for relationships. Place your ad free. ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 14 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf134/sf134p04.htm
... . Two of the trenches that radiated from the tree ended at an automobile, but reappeared at the opposite side or end of that automobile, where they either terminated in a crater, or continued tracking on. One of these trenches tracked through two automobiles that were parked side by side." (Jonasson, H.H ., et al; "Unusual Effects of a Lightning Ground Strike," Weather, 44:366, 1989.) Comment. Electrical currents are supposed to follow the path of least resistance. How did all three vehicles in the parking area end up on paths of least resistance? Some of the phenomena observed can be accounted for by vapori zation of moisture in the ground, but what popped those hubcaps off? Reference. A wide variety of lightning "idiosyncracies" are cataloged in GLL in our catalog: Lightning, Auroras. Details here . From Science Frontiers #70, JUL-AUG 1990 . 1990-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 14 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf070/sf070g17.htm
... minute or two of to tality. The bands are initially faint and jumbled; but as totality approaches, they become more organized, their spacing decreases to a few centimeters, and their visibility improves. After totality ends the bands can reappear and become progressively fainter and more disorganized until they disappear. "Shadow bands seem to move perpendicularly to their length, but this is only an illusion. It stems from a lack of features that allow the eye to track motion along the length of the bands." Codona explains the shadow bands as basically a twinkling effect involving the thin solar crescent just before and after totality. The twinkling is created by turbulence only tens or hundreds of feet above the ground. The eclipse shadow bands, like so many other "well-explained" phenomena, display idiosyncracies that do not dovetail well with theory. Codona mentions two of these: (1 ) Bands of different colors, travelling at different speeds, are sometimes seen superimposed on each other; and (2 ) Bands of giant size have been observed. (Codona, Johana L.; "The Enigma of Shadow Bands," Sky and Telescope, 81: 482, 1991.) Comment. Still other shadow-band anomalies are cataloged in GES1, in Rare Halos, Mirages. This catalog is described here . From Science Frontiers #77, SEP-OCT 1991 . 1991-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 13 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf077/sf077a04.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 126: Nov-Dec 1999 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects It's All In The Seeing The August and September issues of Sky & Telescope contain articles that attempt to discredit long histories of observations of Transient Lunar Phenomena (TLPs) and the many, many anomalous coronas seen during total solar eclipses. Both classes of phenomena are written off as either observer misperceptions or idiosyncracies of the earth's atmosphere. Of course, such treatment of strange phenomena is not new, nor is it undesirable, for we do want to confront reality whatever it might be. However, the two "wipes" in Sky & Telescope do seem a bit arrogant, especially when famous scientists do not hesitate to employ ghostly ephemera to support theories favored by the establishment. Strange eclipses. Down the years, many fantastic solar coronas have been sketched during the few minutes of totality. Long coronal petals and errant streamers, often asymmetrically arrayed, are common in the Nineteenth Century astronony journals. Scientists have no problems with these. It is the highly geometrical coronas that are hard-to-account-for. The reported colored coronas, too, seem unlikely. Red, blue, and green hues are definitely frowned upon. Coronas should be brilliant white, perhaps yellowish. S.J . O'Meara, a contributing editor of S&T , thinks many of the older and wilder drawings of coronas can be pinned on observer enthusiasm and active imagination. Modern photographs of coronas provide a much more conservative ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 15 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf126/sf126p02.htm
... Large Meteors AYB7 Clouds and Swarms of Meteors AYB8 Micrometeoroid Loss-Gain Imbalance AYE ANOMALIES IN METEORITE COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE AYE1 Isotopic and Inorganic Chemical Anomalies AYE2 Organic Compounds in Meteorites AYE3 Unusual Meteorite-Exposure Ages AYE4 Anomalous Formation Ages of Meteorites AYE5 "Sedimentary" Meteorites AYE6 Annihilation-Radiation Events Ascribed to Antimatter Meteorites AYE7 Meteorite Magnetic Anomalies AYE8 The Unexplained Origin(s ) of Chondrules AYE9 The Brownlee Particles AYE10 Lack of Correspondence between Meteorite and Asteroid Compositions AYO METEORS IN FLIGHT AYO1 The Peculiar Green Meteors and Fireballs AYO2 Erratic Meteors AYO3 Atmospheric Debris Resembling Meteors in Flight AYO4 Large Meteorites with Negligible Craters AYO5 Meteor Collisions AYO6 Meteors of Very Long Duration AYO7 Fireball Processions AYO8 Nebulous Meteors AYO9 Rebrightening of Meteor Trails AYO10 Dark Meteor-Like Streaks AYO11 Long, Hollow Cylinders of Meteoric Dust AZ THE ZODIACAL LIGHT AZO IDIOSYNCRACIES OF THE ZODIACAL LIGHT AZO1 Varying Visibility of the Zodiacal Light with Geographic Location AZO2 Zodiacal Light Observed on Northern Horizons in Northern Hemisphere AZO3 Irregularities in the Shape of the Zodiacal Light AZO4 Irregular and Sporadic Changes in Brightness AZO5 Zodiacal-Light Color Changes AZO6 Correlations of Brightness Changes with Solar Activity AZO7 Seasonal Variations of the Zodiacal Light AZO8 Unusual Extensions along the Ecliptic AZO9 Moon's Shadow Dimming the Zodiacal Light AZO10 Infrared Images of Unexpected Dust Clouds AZO11 The False Zodiacal Light AZO12 The Lunar Zodiacal Light AZO13 Zodiacal Light Brightness Correlated with Lunar Phase AZO14 Zodiacal Light Brightness Correlated with the Comet Encke AZO15 "Waving" of the Axis of the Zodiacal Light AZO16 Apparent Youth of Interplanetary Dust Particles AZO17 Parallax of the Gegenschein Other Sites of Interest SIS . Catastrophism, archaeoastronomy, ancient history, mythology and astronomy ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 5 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /cat-astr.htm
... GWP9 Explosive Hail GWP10 Colored Precipitation GWP11 Luminous Precipitation GWP12 Point Precipitation GWP13 Surplus Ice Crystals in Clouds GWP14 Decrease of Rainfall with Increasing Altitude GWP15 Rain Gushes Associated with Lightning Puzzle of Snowflake Symmetry Weekend Rain Rainfall Correlated with Soil Temperature GWR TEMPERATURE ANOMALIES GWR1 Temperature Flashes GWR2 Incendiary Phenomena Global Warming The Year without a Summer Weekends Getting Warmer Chilling of the Stratosphere GWS WEATHER AND ASTRONOMY GWS1 Correlation of Lunar Phase and Terrestrial Weather GWS2 Correlation of Lunar Phase and Thunderstorms GWS3 Thunderstorms Correlated with Solar Activity GWS4 Effects of Meteors on Weather GWS5 Correlations between Solar Activity and Weather GWS6 Influence of Lunar Phase on Atmospheric Ozone GWS7 The Lunar Temperature Effect GWS8 Purported Effect of the Planets on the Weather GWS9 Comets and the Weather Eclipse Wind Stratospheric Winds Correlated with Solar Activity Weather Correlated with the 18.6 -Year Cycle GWT THE IDIOSYNCRACIES OF TORNADOS AND WATERSPOUTS GWT1 The Tornado as an Electrical Machine GWT2 Burning and Hydration during Tornados GWT3 Tornados and Waterspouts with Horizontal Funnels GWT4 Multiwalled Waterspouts GWT5 Anomalous Historical Incidence of Tornados GWT6 Reversal of Rotation in Waterspouts GWT7 Pranks of the Tornado GWT8 Tornado Incidence Correlated with Magnetic Variation GWT9 Landspouts or Dustspouts GWT10 Waterspouts between Clouds GWT11 Forked Waterspouts GWT12 Abnormally Thin Waterspouts GWT13 Waterspout Funnel-Knots GWT14 Bull's -Eye Squalls Destructive Downbursts (Microbursts) Tornados Correlated with Automobile Traffic GWW WHIRLWINDS AND DUST DEVILS GWW1 Explosive Onset of Whirlwinds GWW2 Pranks of Whirlwinds and Dust Devils GWW3 Steam Devils GWW4 Electrical Properties of Whirl winds and Dust Devils GWW5 Energetic Miniature Vortices Aircraft Trailing Vortices Whirlwind Families Other Sites of Interest SIS . Catastrophism, archaeoastronomy, ancient history, mythology and astronomy. Lobster . The journal of intelligence ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 5 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /cat-geop.htm