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... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 115: Jan-Feb 1998 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Genes vs. memes Vital to the concept of "gene wars" (mentioned in SF#114) is the assumption that our destiny is controlled by "selfish genes" (or "selfish DNA"). The idea that evolution works only at the gene level has been championed by R. Dawkins, and today it dominates much evolution philosophy. However, this "genetic imperialism" is now being challenged by some scientists who insist that culture also affects an organism's evolution, be it a human or an insect. In fact, it was Dawkins himself who first proposed the term "meme" for the cultural counterpart of ... gene. A meme, in other words, is an "element" of culture that can be passed along to progeny by imitation and/or cultural pressures. In reductionist thinking, environmental challenges are met by gene mutations plus natural selection. In meme theory, the same challenges are confronted by cultural changes (meme "mutation") plus natural selection. The meme approach is holistic rather than reductionist and is appealing because it allows us some control over our destiny. There are several phenomena in which some scientists profess to see memes overpowering the genes: Generations of female infanticide have led to more male births than female births. In dairy-farming societies, 90% of the population has the enzyme lactase that allows individuals to digest cows' milk. In other societies, 80% become ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 209  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf115/sf115p04.htm
... Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Hooray, another "dangerous" book!The May 22, 1981, issue of Science devotes three entire pages to a discussion of the issues raised in the book Genes, Minds, and Culture, written by Edward Wilson and Charles Lumsden. The subject of this book is "gene-culture coevolution," which infers that human culture is controlled not so much by "free will" as by rapidly changing human genes. The authors propose that as few as 1000 years are sufficient for important genetic shifts. Such shifts might, for example, impel humans to break out of the Middle Ages and bring on the Industrial Revolution. The most controversial facets of the theory are: (1 ) The tight genetic control over human culture with ... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 16: Summer 1981 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Hooray, another "dangerous" book!The May 22, 1981, issue of Science devotes three entire pages to a discussion of the issues raised in the book Genes, Minds, and Culture, written by Edward Wilson and Charles Lumsden. The subject of this book is "gene-culture coevolution," which infers that human culture is controlled not so much by "free will" as by rapidly changing human genes. The authors propose that as few as 1000 years are sufficient for important genetic shifts. Such shifts might, for example, impel humans to break out of the Middle Ages and bring on the Industrial Revolution. The most controversial ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 201  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf016/sf016p06.htm
... MSB1 Miscellanous ancient structures: North America MSB2 Miscellanous ancient structures: MesoAmerica MSB3 Miscellanous ancient structures: South America MSB4 Puzzles of Inca Stone Masony MSB5 Tiahuanaco: The Baalbek of the New World MSB6 Possible Neanderthal Structures MSB7 Puzzles of the Maltese Temples MSB8 Baalbek: The Tiahuanaco of the Old World MSB9 Miscellanous ancient structures: Asia MSB10 Miscellanous ancient structures: Oceania MSB11 Miscellanous ancient structures: Africa MSC WATER-CONTROL STRUCTURES MSC1 Remarkable Ancient Aqueducts and Water-Delivery Systems MSC2 La Cumbre: Peru's Intervalley Canal MSC3 Subterranean Tunnel-Well Systems MSC4 Water-Condensing Structures MSC5 Three Notable Ancient Irrigation Systems MSC6 Curious Old Dams MSC7 Unusual Water-Containment Structures MSC8 Notable Ancient Ship Canals MSC9 Artificial Harbors MSD MENHIRS, DOLMENS, ROCKING STONES MSD1 Some Minor Enigmas Concerning Menhirs MSD2 Menhirs in Unexpected Places MSD3 Er ... in the New World South American Fossils in New Zealand Babirusa Bones in Canada Humans and Domesticated Ground Sloths Trepanation Yuha Burial Problem Human Hair at the Orogrande Site Pygmy Skeletons Chinese Fossils in Australia Giant Skeletons [BHE] Neanderthal Fossils and Speech Santa Barbara Fossils Taber Skeleton (Canada) Eskimo Fossils in France Blond Mummies in Peru Red-Haired Mummies in Nevada [MAA] Santa Rosa Mammoths and Hearths MAK CULTURE Precocious Number Systems and Mathematics Agriculture and Culture Decline Navigational Techniques Ancient Cosmologies and Astronomy Music, Arts, Literature Measurement Systems Paper-Making Diffusion Olmec Origin (Cultural Evidence) Origin of Culture Human Migration Phenomena Polynesian Origins Early Caucasians in New World Extinctions and Rapid Declines (Mohenjo-Daro, Maya, Minoans, Moundbuilders, etc.) Chinese in the New World Polynesians in New World and Australia ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 154  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /cat-arch.htm
... Cycling [BHO] BHF4 Anomalous Number of Breaths per Lifetime BHF5 Fiery Breaths BHF6 Human Rumination BHF7 Nondigestion of the Stomach Lining BHF8 Anomalous Objects in the Stomach BHF9 Bleeding Correlated with Lunar Phase BHF10 Spontaneous Hemorrhages Correlated with Astrological Factors BHF11 The Unusual Nature of Skin Wound Healing in Humans BHF12 The Efficacy of Electricity in Healing BHF13 Limb Regeneration in Humans BHF14 The Relationship between Menstrual and Lunar Cycles BHF15 Synchronization and Control of Menstrual Cycles BHF16 Menstruation from Unlikely Spots BHF17 Body Potential-Difference Spike during Menstruation BHF18 Remarkable Aspects of the Female Sexual Cycle BHF19 Male Menstruation BHF20 Tolerance of the Placenta BHF21 Maternal Impressions BHF22 Telegony BHF23 Birth-Frequency Correlated with Day-of-the-Week BHF24 Birth-Frequency Correlated with Month-of-the-Year BHF25 Births Correlated with Lunar Phase BHF26 Anomalous Variations in Twin ... Human Behavior and Climate and/or Season of the Year BHB7 Unusual Behavior Induced by Rhythmic Stimuli [BHH8, PBH] BHB8 Cyclicity of Violent Collective Behavior BHB9 A Relationship between Number of Wars and Number Killed BHB10 Correlation of Economic Activity with Solar Activity BHB11 Correlation of Economic Activity with the Lunar Tidal Forces BHB12 Correlation of Economic Activity with Solar-System Configurations BHB13 Periodicities in Various Economic Parameters BHB14 Human Culture: An Enigma of Evolution BHB15 Cycles of Religiousness BHB16 "Flock Behavior" in Human Groups BHB17 The Evolution and Persistence of Altruism BHB18 The Evolution and Persistence of Homosexuality BHB19 Unusual Human Sexual Activity BHB20 The Puzzle of Human Handedness BHB21 Handedness and Longevity BHB22 Handedness and Health BHB23 Handedness and Mathematical and Verbal Abilities BHB24 The Uniqueness of Bipedalism BHB25 Human Asymmetry in Locomotion BHB26 Wolf-Children BHB27 Eminence Correlated ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 151  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /cat-biol.htm
... we are dealing with permanent settlements and not merely a few lost Europeans. "Besides the riddle of their identity, there is also the question of what these fair-haired people were doing in a remote desert oasis. Probably never wealthy enough to own chariots, they nevertheless had wagons and well-tailored clothes. Were they mere goat and sheep farmers? Or did they profit from or even control prehistoric trade along the route that later became the Silk Road? If so, they probably helped spread the first wheels and certain metal-working skills into China." V. Mair, a professor of Chinese at the University of Pennsylvania, has been spearheading the research on these mummies for the U.S . He asserts that, contrary to the general belief, there was a substantial ... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 95: Sep-Oct 1994 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Blondes In Ancient China Authorities on ancient Chinese civilization have usually considered it to have been completely isolated from European influences for millennia -- a homegrown culture characterized by unique cultural and technological innovations. This classical picture of ancient China will have to be modified after the recent unearthing of mummified Caucasians up to 4,000 years old in China's northwestern province of Xinjiang. These dried corpses have the long noses, deep-set eyes, and long skulls typical of Caucasians. Some even have blonde hair! Some 113 such corpses have already been excavated at Qizilchoqa, one of four sites discovered so far. It is clear that we are ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 140  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf095/sf095a01.htm
... are cultured in the presence of an antibiotic. Within a few weeks, they have evolved a resistance to that particular antibiotic. This well-known phenomenon is easily explained by evolution. However, often the newly evolved (or "adapted") bacteria are also resistant to several other antibiotics that work by different mechanisms. All of the multiple gene changes needed for the several different defense mechanisms are controlled by a single site on the same chromosome. (Levy, Stuart B.; The Antibiotic Paradox , New York, 1992, p. 99. Cr. A. Mebane.) Comments. How can bacteria prepare defenses against antibiotics they have not been exposed to? Luck, prescience, or some unrecognized mechanism? In his Ever Since Darwin , S.J . Gould acknowledges that ... to an evolutionary challenge is "naturally" accompanied by useful responses to challenges that have not yet been posed to the life form in question. This prescience verges on the miraculous to the uninitiated, but mainstream biologists seem content to write the phenomenon off as merely good fortune -- like hitting two jackpots in a row on the same slot machine. A good example of preadaptation occurs when bacteria are cultured in the presence of an antibiotic. Within a few weeks, they have evolved a resistance to that particular antibiotic. This well-known phenomenon is easily explained by evolution. However, often the newly evolved (or "adapted") bacteria are also resistant to several other antibiotics that work by different mechanisms. All of the multiple gene changes needed for the several different defense mechanisms are controlled ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 131  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf124/sf124p06.htm
... In fact, lucid dreams were the most common type of anomalous dream. Out-of-body dreams came next. Precognitive dreams were third in frequency. (Krippner, Stanley, and Faith, Laura; "Anomalous Dreams: A Cross-Cultural Study," Society for Scientific Exploration paper, 2000.) Comments. Lucid dreams are especially vivid and, in addition, under the direct control of the dreamer. Actually, all dreams are anomalous in the sense that it is difficult to understand how dreaming evolved. How can a series of small, random mutations introduce these often bizarre images that drift through the not-so-quiescent, sleeping brain? How could dreaming have had enough survival value to our distant ancestors to lock it permanently into the human genome? From Science Frontiers ... or counsel by them. Lucid, healing, and out-of-body dreams were also deemed anomalous but were not defined in the abstract. In fact, lucid dreams were the most common type of anomalous dream. Out-of-body dreams came next. Precognitive dreams were third in frequency. (Krippner, Stanley, and Faith, Laura; "Anomalous Dreams: A Cross-Cultural Study," Society for Scientific Exploration paper, 2000.) Comments. Lucid dreams are especially vivid and, in addition, under the direct control of the dreamer. Actually, all dreams are anomalous in the sense that it is difficult to understand how dreaming evolved. How can a series of small, random mutations introduce these often bizarre images that drift through the not-so-quiescent ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 131  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf131/sf131p12.htm
... , 1997.) Comment. That PEAR results are unaffected by by the timing and distance of the operator attempting to affect the behavior of the machine is somewhat troublesome to many scientists, but not inconsistent with some predictions of quantum mechanics. Much more serious to objective science is the implication that a scientist performing an experiment can subjectively (consciously or unconsciously) affect his results, as in the psychokinetic control of a meter reading or an electronic data processor. If such things can happen, one scientist could not replicate the experiment of another scientist. From Science Frontiers #114, NOV-DEC 1997 . 1997-2000 William R. Corliss ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 130  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf114/sf114p10.htm
... ." The Myxobacteria also collectively form baglike traps to engulf and digest prey. It is apparent now that as simple as a single bacterium may seem, bacterial colonies are pretty complex. (Shapiro, James A.; "Bacteria as Multicellular Organisms," Scientific American, 258:82, June 1988.) Comment. How are the collective actions of bacteria effected? Is there a central control center? Oh, oh! We are falling into the reductionist trap again! Life forms do not have to operate like computers do, nor do their functions have to be defined in those block diagrams we like so well. There may be holistic forces involved that escape reductionist thought. It is all very remarkable that bacteria which have been around for billions of years (See article below. ... a multicellular organism than it is to a free-living, autonomous organism. Bacteria form complex communities, hunt prey in groups and secrete chemical trails for the directed movement of thousands of individuals." J.A . Shapiro, author of the preceding quote, attributes the simplistic picture of bacteria to medical bacteriology, in which disease-causing bacteria are classically identified by isolating single cells, growing cultures from them, and then showing that they cause the disease in question. In the microscopic real world, bacteria virtually always live in colonies, which possess collective properties quite different and much more impressive than those of the single-cell-in-a -dish! That old human urge for reductionism has led us astray again. Shapiro seeks to remove the blinders of reductionism in a wonderful ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 130  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf058/sf058b09.htm

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