... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 60: Nov-Dec 1988 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Unbelievable Baalbek The city of Baalbek, called Heliopolis by the ancient Greeks, lies some 50 miles northeast of Beirut. Here are ruins of the greatest temple the Romans ever tried to construct. However, we must focus not on mundane Roman temples but upon a great assemblage of precisely cut and fitted stones, called the Temple today, which the Romans found ready-made for them when they arrived at Baalbek. It was upon this Temple, or stone foundation, that the Romans reared their Temple of Jupiter. No one knows the purpose of the much older Temple underneath the Roman work. J. Theisen has reviewed the basic facts known ... the Temple's construction -- and they are impressive, perhaps even anomalous. Being 2,500 feet long on each side, the Temple is one of the largest stone structures in the world. Some 26 feet above the structure's base are found three of the largest stones ever employed by man. Each of these stones measures 10 feet thick, 13 feet high, and is over 60 feet long. Knowing the density of limestone permits weight estimates of over 1.2 million pounds. Some people with impressive engineering skills cut, dressed, and moved these immense stone blocks from a quarry 3/4 of a mile away. A walk to this quarry introduces the observer to the Monolith, an even larger block of limestone: 13 feet, 5 inches; 15 feet ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 382 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /sf060/sf060p02.htm
... MMM] MMW WOODEN ARTIFACTS Ancient Charcoal Wooden Implements Cedar Collars Ancient Plank Eskimo Goggles Precocious Wooden Spears Santa Rosa Hearths Homo erectus and Fire MS ENGINEERING STRUCTURES ANCIENT ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORIES Notable Observatory Buildings The Great Pyramid as an Astronomical Observatory MSB MISCELLANEOUS ANCIENT STRUCTURES MSB1 Miscellanous ancient structures: North America MSB2 Miscellanous ancient structures: MesoAmerica MSB3 Miscellanous ancient structures: South America MSB4 Puzzles of Inca Stone Masony MSB5 Tiahuanaco: The Baalbek of the New World MSB6 Possible Neanderthal Structures MSB7 Puzzles of the Maltese Temples MSB8 Baalbek: The Tiahuanaco of the Old World MSB9 Miscellanous ancient structures: Asia MSB10 Miscellanous ancient structures: Oceania MSB11 Miscellanous ancient structures: Africa MSC WATER-CONTROL STRUCTURES MSC1 Remarkable Ancient Aqueducts and Water-Delivery Systems MSC2 La Cumbre: Peru's Intervalley Canal MSC3 Subterranean Tunnel-Well Systems MSC4 Water-Condensing ... MSC5 Three Notable Ancient Irrigation Systems MSC6 Curious Old Dams MSC7 Unusual Water-Containment Structures MSC8 Notable Ancient Ship Canals MSC9 Artificial Harbors MSD MENHIRS, DOLMENS, ROCKING STONES MSD1 Some Minor Enigmas Concerning Menhirs MSD2 Menhirs in Unexpected Places MSD3 Er Grah as a Foresight in an Eclipse Predictor MSD4 Dolmen-Like Structures Located Outside of Western Europe MSD5 Rocking Stones MSE EXCAVATED STRUCTURES MSE1 Lines of Pits MSE2 Puzzling Pits: A Survey MSE3 Unusual Ancient Shafts and Tunnels: A Survey MSE4 The Oak Island Shaft and Tunnels MSE5 Remarkable Ancient Mines and Quarries: A Survey MSE6 Production-Consumption Discrepancy in Prehistoric Lake Superior Copper Mining MSE7 Sculpted Hills and Mountains MSE8 Terrestrial Zodiacs and Star Maps MSF FORTS MSF1 Earthen Hilltop Forts: A survey MSF2 Notable Ancient Stone Forts: A survey MSF3 The Vitrified Stone Forts of Scotland MSH ...
Terms matched: 2 - Score: 187 - 15 May 2017 - URL: /cat-arch.htm