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Science Frontiers is the bimonthly newsletter providing digests of reports that describe scientific anomalies; that is, those observations and facts that challenge prevailing scientific paradigms. Over 2000 Science Frontiers digests have been published since 1976.

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... modern humans began evolving only when they split from the forest-dwelling primates and invaded the African savannahs. It now seems that the regions once thought to have been savannahs were actually heavily forested when the human Great Leap Forward occurred. Anthropologist P. Tobias now ventures that modern man really began evolving when he escaped the heavy competition from other primates in the dense forests and took to the seacoast , which was a wide-open niche. There, in the coastal waters, the "aquatic ape" swam up the evolutionary ladder -- toward us! Before snorting in derision at such apostasy, reflect upon some of our aquatic features -- -can they all be coincidental? Compared to the other primates, we are exceptional swimmers. Our babies can float and swim. We are almost hairless like most marine mammals. We are the fattest primates with a layer of subcutaneous fat bonded to our skin, again like most marine mammals. We, alone among terrestrial mammals, have voluntary control of breathing, as do all diving mammals. (Douglas, Kate; "Taking the Plunge," New Scientist, p. 28, November 2000.) Reference. There is much more to the "aquatic ape" theory. See BHA in Biological Anomalies: Humans I. From Science Frontiers #139, Jan-Feb 2002 . 2001 William R. Corliss Other Sites of Interest SIS . Catastrophism, archaeoastronomy, ancient history, mythology and astronomy. Lobster . The journal of intelligence and political conspiracy (CIA, FBI, JFK, MI5, NSA, etc) ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf139/sf139p00.htm
... Genius BHA7 Variability of External Appearance BHA8 Discordances in the Appearances of Identical Twins BHA9 Mirror-Image Twins BHA10 The Apparent Primitive Character of Some Features of the Human Body BHA11 Human and Orang-Utan Physiological Similarities BHA12 Significant Morphological Differences between Humans and the Great Apes BHA13 Sports, Monsters, Terata BHA14 Two Separate Populations of Pygmies BHA15 Birth Weight Varies with Month of Birth BHA16 Human Sexual Dimorphism BHA17 Sex-Ratio Variations BHA18 Gradations between Male and Female BHA19 The Sacral Spot BHA20 Pigmentation Peculiarity on Upper Arms BHA21 Spotted or Piebald People BHA22 Visible Radiation Emitted by the Human Body BHA23 Unidentified, Problematical Radiation Emitted by the Human Body BHA24 The Supposed Human Aura BHA25 Kirlian Photography of the Postulated Human Aura BHA26 Excessively Hairy Humans BHA27 Sudden Loss of Hair and (Sometimes) Regrowth BHA28 Baldness among Musicians BHA29 Human Hairlessness BHA30 Curious Human Hair Patterns BHA31 Sudden Blanching of the Hair BHA32 Sudden Color Changes in Human Hair BHA33 Hair Color Correlated with Eminence BHA34 Hair Color Correlated with Strength and Vitality BHA35 Remarkable Persistence of Hair Growth after Death BHA36 Voluntary Erection of Body Hair BHA37 Night-Shining in Human Eyes BHA38 Eye Color Correlated with Athletic Capability BHA39 Inherited Ear Pits BHA40 Supernumerary Ears and So-Called Gill-Slits BHA41 Nostril Orientation and Musculature BHA42 Differences and Similarities between Human and Primate Teeth BHA43 Racial Dental Differences BHA44 Historical Shrinkage of Human Teeth BHA45 Extra Dentitions BHA46 Human Horns BHA47 Unusual, Inherited Characteristics of Feet BHA48 Progressive Loss of the Little Toe BHA49 Webbed Hands and Feet BHA50 Alleged Primitive Character of Human Hands and Feet BHA51 Large Female Breasts and Buttocks BHA52 The Unusual Location of Human Breasts BHA53 Human Tails BHA54 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 13  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /cat-biol.htm
... other characteristics. One wonders why evolution has been remodeling the human form in what often seem to be nonadaptive ways. A curious, superficially frivolous test may offer some insights, some of which may be profound. Drawings and photographs showing humans with various physical traits were prepared and shown to 495 subjects, who were asked to select the most attractive characteristics. In disfavor were: short shins, short legs, bowed legs, large and pointed canines, gums showing above the teeth, short thumbs, long palms, curved fingers, jutting jaws, short necks. These are all primitive features still seen in apes and monkeys. Favored were: tallness, long legs, slim waists, long necks, curved red lips, large eyes, square shoulders, straight teeth, straight fingers, smooth and hairless skin, nonsloping foreheads, flat abdomens. These are all features "derived" during evolutionary history. A look at a photograph of a Barbie doll, which accompanied the article, proves that Barbie epitomizes these favored characteristics. Apparently, human males have been selecting their mates for these traits. The fossil record indicates this Barbie trend over millions of years. In effect, humans are selectively breeding themselves with Barbie as a goal for women. Interestingly, dolls with more of the primitive traits have never been able to compete with Barbie in the marketplace. (Magro, Albert M.; "Why Barbie is Perceived as Beautiful," Perceptual and Motor Skills , 85:363, 1997.) Comments. The article did not mention bosoms or buttocks. Nor were males considered. It ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf118/sf118p16.htm
... Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 34: Jul-Aug 1984 Issue Contents Other pages Home Page Science Frontiers Online All Issues This Issue Sourcebook Project Sourcebook Subjects Our aquatic phase!Elaine Morgan, author of The Aquatic Ape, reviews new evidence supporting the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis. Sir Alister Hardy suggested this hypothesis in 1960 in an attempt to account for several human characteristics that are unique among primates but common in aquatic mammals. Some of these are: position of fetal hair, loss of body hair, subcutaneous fat, face-to-face copulation, weeping, etc. The combination of hairlessness and subcutaneous fat seems almost totally confined to aquatic mammals and humans. Two other characteristics are covered in some depth in this article: The discovery that some prehistoric shell middens consist of deep-water shellfish, which must be the result of breath-held diving. This human skill, again unique among primates, is obviously quite ancient. Furthermore, recent experiments suggest that in humans, in addition to seals and ducks, vascular constriction is not limited to the arterioles but extends to the larger arteries, too. This indicates some degree of specialized adaptation to a diving life. Most animals with a sodium deficiency display an active craving for salt which, when satisfied, disappears. In humans, salt intake has little or no relation to the body's needs. Some Inuit tribes avoid salt almost completely, while people in the Western world consume 1520 times the amount needed for health. In other works, a single African species (assuming humans have an African origin) possesses a wildly different ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 15  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf034/sf034p09.htm
... American Journal of Physics, 60:394, 1992. McCaughan, J.B .T .; "Scientific Faith," American Journal of Physics, 60:969, 1992.) The death of death. Isn't it curious that in the same bimonthly harvest of anomalies that yielded the preceding two items we should also find some fascinating evidence for reincarnation? "Almost nothing is known about why birthmarks occur in particular locations of the skin. The causes of most birth defects are also unknown. About 35% of children who claim to remember previous lives have birthmarks and/or birth defects that they (or adult informants) attribute to wounds on a person whose life the child remembers. The cases of 309 such children have been investigated. The birthmarks were usually areas of hairless, puckered skin; some were hypopigmented macules; others were hyperpigmented nevi. The birth defects were nearly always of rare types. In cases in which a deceased person was identified, the details of whose life unmistakenly matched the child's statements, a close correspondence was nearly always found between the birthmarks and/or birth defects on the child and the wounds on the deceased person. In 40 of the 46 cases in which a medical document (usually a postmortem report) was obtained, it confirmed the correspondence between wounds and birthmarks (or birth defects)." (Stevenson, Ian; "Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons," abstract of a paper presented at the Princeton meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, June 1992.) From Science Frontiers ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 14  -  15 May 2017  -  URL: /sf085/sf085u14.htm

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